Magic Untapped cracks open some Dissension booster packs.
In 2006, the third and final set in the original Ravnica block, Dissension, was released. With it came the introduction of the plane's final three guilds: Azorius, Rakdos, and Simic. The set also finished Magic: The Gathering's cycle of shock lands.
As might be expected, Dissension's three shock lands are worth a decent sum. In fact, they are the three most expensive cards in the set at time of this article according to price guide MTGStocks with Blood Crypt ($35.47), Breeding Pool ($35.05), and Hallowed Fountain ($25.04) leading the pack.
As far as other cards of value within the set, Dissension features three others that are worth in the double digits. Grand Arbiter Augustin IV is currently listing at $20.66, Pillar of the Paruns is going for $15.49, and the split card Crime//Punishment is listed at $14.39
Magic Untapped picked up these three booster packs from Ganjah the Bead Forest in Cedar City, Utah, for $15.99 apiece. We'll round that up to $51 for the trio.
Watch the video below to see how fortunate (or unfortunate) our pulls were.
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