Pack Crackin' - Time Spiral Remastered

Magic Untapped cracks open some booster packs of Time Spiral Remastered.

The Brothers' War, which comes out later this month, isn't the only set in recent memory to pull at Magic: The Gathering players' nostalgia strings.  In March of 2021, the set Time Spiral Remastered, which is an amalgamation of the three sets of the Time Spiral block (Time SpiralPlanar Chaos, and Future Sight), released and included a sub-set of "Timeshifted" cards that featured newer Magic cards in the game's old school card frame.

The limited-run set was extremely well received and boasts a number of cards worth in the double digits.  Of those, there are a cool half-dozen worth $20 or more:

Magic Untapped picked four Time Spiral Remastered booster packs from Competitive Card Shack in Sacramento, California, for $10.99 apiece.  That's a roughly $44.

Watch the video below to see how fortunate (or unfortunate) our pulls were.

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*Prices accurate as of 11/01/2022 via