Let's crack open some set booster packs of Conspiracy: Take the Crown!
Let's crack open some set booster packs of Conspiracy: Take the Crown!
Released in August of 2016, the draft-oriented set consists of 221 cards; of which, 50 are rare and an additional 14 are mythic rare.
Reception of the set was favorable overall and, all-in-all, there's a nice selection of cards worth into the double digits thanks to Take the Crown's assortment of quality reprints and original cards.
The top-listed cards found in the set include:
- Recruiter of the Guard, ($29);
- Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast ($22.63);
- Expropriate ($20);
- Grenzo, Havoc Raiser ($20), and;
- Show and Tell ($18.34)
Magic Untapped picked up three booster packs of Conspiracy: Take the Crown from Big Brother Comics in midtown Sacramento, Calif. They only cost 76 apiece, which means we only dropped $21 total on them all.
Watch the video below to see how fortunate (or unfortunate) our pulls were.
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